"Ching chong whore."
A mother heard it with her four-year old child on the way from a pediatrician.

"Why? Do you want to obtain a permanent residency through marriage?"
A student heard it when she told her schoolmates that she had got a German boyfriend.

When crossing a road in a busy area in Bayern, an unknown German hit me in the tummy and ran away.

"Asians look so funny! The flow of degeneration started from European to Asian to monkeys."
A passenger heard it when he/she was sitting in the tube.

Microaggression can be easily heard and found in our daily lives, just like racial words and attitudes. On the street, in classrooms, or during dinner time. Microaggressions are statements that repeat or affirm stereotypes about the minority group and the attitude to position the dominant culture as normal. This assumes all minority group members are the same. It is delivered casually or even unconsciously. Microaggressors and racists say that we should not take those words seriously or should not be too sensitive about it, because they do not intend to harm us. Yet – it does hurt – and their racial mockery goes on and on. Such repeated racial and microaggressive words have been solidified and produced stereotypical thinkings on Asian people. Clichéd images on Asians built up by white people influence our self-perception negatively and leave us distressed between the need of self-identification and external definition of ourselves.

This semester project "I AM ANGRY" alerts to the racism and discrimination in daily life against Asians and people of color. We

  1. do research on this theme and archive diverse cases of inequality and everyday-racism.
  2. create a website on which we visualize and publicize relevant issues.
  3. discuss together about this theme openly and organize diverse activities to raise public awareness.
  4. cooperate each other in order to help people who experienced everyday-racism to express their anger against discrimination, obtain psychological stability and confidence in themselves and effectively react against discriminative situations in the future.


You do not have any entitlement or right to belittle us or express your controversial point of view in words or in deed that we are different.

Aims of this Project